Blood Donation 2020

Blood Donation
Jakarta, 12 February 2020
On February 12, 2020 PT Daya Kobelco CMI held Blood Donation Day as our contribution towards society.

Total : 53 donors

This Blood Donation Day event is routinely held every year at PT Daya Kobelco CMI.

Palu Donation 2018

Sulawesi Tengah, 16 November 2018
PT Daya Kobelco CMI lent a helping hand for Palu, Sigi and Donggala regions which suffered 7.4 Richter Scale-earthquake, as an effort of humanity contribution towards the society.

Planting One Million Trees & Supplying Clean Water in Umang Island & Ujung Kulon, Banten

Banten, 30 October 2011
PT Daya Kobelco CMI held Corporate Social Responsibility on October 30, 2011 which is done by planting one million trees and clean water supply, coordinated with local residents who established cooperation with Umang Island and Ujung Kulon.

Padang Donation 2009

West Sumatra, 22 October 2009
PT Daya Kobelco CMI donated for earthquake in the Padang, West Sumatra, which occurred on September 30, 2009. Seeing the condition of Padang after the earthquake, PT Daya Kobelco CMI provided assistance of 1,800 pcs of T-shirts,1,400 pcs of blankets, & 50 sets of Tarpaulin tents. This is form of our contribution driven from concern for local residents affected by the earthquake and to ease the burden suffered by them.

Yogyakarta Donation 2006

Central Java, 27 May 2006
PT Daya Kobelco CMI once again aided for Yogyakarta Earthquake, a tectonic earthquake that shook Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java on May 27, 2006 at around 05:55:03 (GMT +7) for 57 seconds with 5.9 Richter scale.

Aceh Donation 2005

Aceh, 25 March 2005
PT Daya Kobelco CMI contributed for victims of Tsunami in Aceh with 5 units of Hydraulic Excavators to help post-disaster recovery in Aceh.

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